gratefulWe’ve all heard that it’s the little things in life that count — those little things that make us grateful to be alive.

Sure, but we live in a culture that idolizes the rich and the famous, and in most cases, we are all too stressed, over-worked and over-scheduled to take the time to notice the little things. Perhaps it is time to rethink how we approach life, because it is those little things that can often put a smile on your face and make even the busiest, stressful day a little nicer.


But where to start?

First morning

• Before your feet hit the floor, take five deep breaths. Breathe in peace, breathe out any stress or discomfort.
• Now think about one thing in your life that makes you grateful. It could be a family member or friend, a pet, a job – anything that makes you smile when you think of it. Repeat it to yourself silently three times.

During the day

• Buy a blank journal that you like, something you find attractive, something that makes you smile when you look at it.
• Start noticing little things in life. Perhaps a child’s smile in a grocery store, a beautiful sunrise or sunset, rain that makes the flowers grow – it can be anything.
• If you are in a store, engage the checker or sales person by just asking him or her how the day is going.

At night

• Get out that beautiful journal you bought today.
• Write down five things that made you smile during the day. If you cannot think of five things, tomorrow is another day.
• And then take five deep breaths. Breathe in peace, breathe our any stress or discomfort.

Every subsequent morning

• Before your feet hit the floor, take five deep breaths. Breathe in peace, breathe out any stress or discomfort.
• Now get out your book and read the five things that made you smile yesterday.


A grateful life

And for the rest of your life, just repeat. Your life will be fuller and richer. As for life’s little things, the more you practice this exercise the more you will find them right there, in the open, in the present moment, just waiting to be noticed.